Mask Group 1

We Are Home

We Are Home aims to build affordable homes on the private property of legacy families in The Set. Community organizations partnered with a private developer to deliver homes at cost on private vacant lots or lots with dilapidated structures. Existing land owners become homeowners of the affordable units built.

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Blackmer’s Market

Blackmer’s Market is a black merchants market located on the north end of Historic 5th Avenue in the West Settlers Historic District of The Set. The market  operates the 3rd Sunday of each month and features locally sourced goods, live entertainment, and special events to support small business development and placemaking efforts in The Set.

Reclaim Our Village

Reclaim Our Village was designed to put the community back in community school and provide high-quality education for children from preschool through career. 

Stories from the set

Stories From The Set

Stories From The Set aims to change the narrative and highlight Black Excellence in the face of adversity by collecting historical narratives from The Set.

Faith Forward

Faith Forward is a community development project focused on building community use facilities for community organizing and regeneration efforts utilizing structures and vacant land owned by the faith- based community.

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Front Porch Project

The Front Porch Project will identify homes for exterior repair/beautification and the construction/repair of a front porch. Narrative histories of important “happenings” on the front porches of The Set were collected to celebrate the rich history of the community.

The peach umbrella network

The Peach Umbrella Network is an asset map of the small business community in The Set. It provides networking opportunities, entrepreneurial training, and financial support to The Set’s people of color owned business community.

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Repair and restore

The Repair & Restore project aims to protect affordable housing and The Set’s elders and families from losing or selling their properties due to economic pressures and/or lack of access to resources for needed structural improvements and repairs.